Cold seamless connection of multi-layer rubber conveyor belt

The length of the conveyor belt connection is determined. The multi-layer rubber conveyor rubber belt has different layers according to its use. If the overlap length is selected to be long, material will be wasted, and if the overlap portion is short, the load-bearing strength will be insufficient, resulting in transportation. A torn or broken belt accident.

Replace a damaged piece of conveyor belt

(1) Release the tension of the conveyor belt on the conveyor, and use a tensioning device to tighten the conveyor belt together. Mark the beveled edges in the middle of the two tensioning devices and cut off the conveyor belt.

(2) Cut the replaced conveyor belt section parallel to the bevel edge (the conveyor belt must be supported on the shelf in advance).

(3) Calculate the lap length. The length of the front and back connections, the length of the conveyor belt section to be replaced + the conveyor belt width 0.3 bevel section.

If the conveyor belt extension length is shorter than the conveyor belt width

(1) After releasing the tension of the conveyor belt, pull it together with a tensioning device. Mark the diagonal cut in the middle of the two tensioning devices and cut off the conveyor belt.

(2) Cut the determined excess part + 1 times the connection length parallel to the bevel edge. (3) The size of the plug-in section. The connection length for the front and back connection is 1 times the conveyor belt width as the middle section + conveyor belt width 0.3 bevel section.

Determination of connection direction

We know that there are one or two belt cleaners at the head and tail of the rubber conveyor belt. The main function of the belt cleaner is to clean the adherents on the rubber conveyor belt. The rubber conveyor has a great friction force, which has a great destructive effect on the cold bonding of the multilayer rubber belt, so the direction in which the two ends of the rubber belt overlap each other is also very important.

At the same time, special attention should be paid to the seamless connection of the conveyor belt before being tensioned for at least 2h to ensure the bonding effect of the cold glue.
